
Airs on Cable Ch.28 in Torrance, CA -- 10 p.m. or later
Write us! thecomicbookgeeks(*a*)gmail(*dot*)com
Episode 45 - Elephantman - Richard Starkings, creator/writer of Elephantmen, owner of ComiCraft, and the reknowned letterer of comic books graces our Torrance studios. He tells tales from his early days at Marvel, educates us on the intricacies of lettering, and fills us in on Elephantmen. Includes music by Hang Dog Expression, featuring Neal Von Flue from Episode 41.
Episode 44 - BATMAN! - Maxwell "Batman" Allen from Confessions of a Superhero and Hollywood Boulevard out front of the Mann's (Grauman's) Chinese Theater, comes in to set the record straight on his arrests, feud with Superman (Chris Dennis), and dark history. We push the limits of fair use, and pray that Wonder Boy's wise-ass cracks don't lead Batman to add to his body count.
Episode 43 - Self Involved - After the hosts forget to confirm any of the three guests, and none show up, they are forced to interview each other. And when they run out of questions about each other's sex lives, they turn on the director (me), and lambast him (me) for criticizing their poor planning and being late. Also, an important lesson in pleasing your women. Hint: Oral sex.
Episode 42 - The Kids of Widney High - They're not exactly kids, anymore, but this band, begun through the special education programs of Widney High in Southern California, has a cult following, and their own comic book, published by the alter ego of Wonder Boy. Watch this for some inspiration to achieve your dreams, and for some fun songs.
Episode 41 - (Robbie Rodriguez/Maintenance/Tek Jansen and Neal Von Flue/Negative Burn) - Two creators included in the new Kids of Widney High comic book share their insights and funny stories. Robbie Rodriguez is well known as the artist for Maintenance (soon to be a film directed by McG), and Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen. And Neal Von Flue is a popular local Hermosa Beach artist, with a cool demeanor. Check 'em out!.
Episode 40 - (David Wohl/Witchblade) - Mr. Wohl has been a creative powerhouse in the comic book industry for years, beginning with his internship at Marvel in the mid-80s. He talks to our heroes about his relationships with Michael Turner, Christina Z, and others; as well as the creations of Top Cow, Witchblade, Aphrodite 9, and Executive Assistant: Iris. Plus: Masturbation!
Episode 39 - (Ryan Winn/Darkness) - Comic book inker Ryan Winn speaks in depth about his rise in the industry, from his humble beginnings at Danny Miki's studio to his own work for Image and Top Cow. As always, Wonder Boy serves up the yucks, and the conversation strains to stay focused on something other than Captain Greedy's lust for profit.
Episode 38 - (Rafael Navarro/Sonambulo) - Rafael is good friends with Mike, but Mike can't seem to think of anything to ask...so he and Geoffrey just interview each other. After the cameras were off, Rafael talked for half an hour about his artwork and storyboarding. Interesting stuff, and maybe one day we'll get it on camera.
Episode 37 - (Wolverine/Jim) - I can't believe this episode actually works out to be semi-entertaining. Wolverine was fine, but then we talk to Geoffrey's "collector" friend, Jim. One catch: Jim hasn't bought a comic book since 1969. A good argument for avoiding age medications: Geoffrey found the bicycle riding story fascinating.
Episode 36 - (Joshua Williamson and Marcus Harris/Necessary Evil) - This is Wonder Boy's favorite episode. The first two thirds is a fairly decent, though unrevealing, interview of a couple of up and coming creators, and then devolves into a one ring Circus of Chaos that you have to see to believe.
Episode 35 - (Rob Fulcher/Danny Miki) - This was shot concurrent with the Josh Dysart episode, and actually shot before Josh's interview, but was a bit more troublesome to edit, given the transition into Danny Miki's interview segment. This, along with the Dysart ep, is the first CBG that I fully directed and edited...though direction is kind of a loose term for what I do, there. Maybe you'll notice a tightening of the reins as the shows progress .
Episode 34 - (Joshua Dysart/Hellboy BPRD 1946) - This is actually an hour long episode. Josh was so interesting, we just kept filming, and when it came time to edit, I couldn't bring myself to cut it down to a half an hour. There is a "director's cut" version that had some stuff in it that Captain Greedy and Wonder Boy wanted cut out; ask me when I'm around, and I'll show it to you. Long, but very interesting.
Episode 33 - (Chris Dennis/Hollywood's Superman) - This was actually shot a few months, or maybe even a year, before I was brought on, but never got edited. So, I took on the task. This was an hour long interview, plus more with his wife (Bonnie) and a tour of the apartment, that I cut down, due to redundancy and lack of segue. Apparently there are a dozen more unedited episodes in hiding, like this. Maybe someday the tapes will resurface .
Episode 32 - (Chris Brandt/Independents) - This episode is the one that started it for me. Shot at the same time as episode 31, at the end of the night there were comments being made that it might be a year or two (if ever) until it was aired. Being the consumate promoter, I volunteered immediately to take up the responsibility of editing the damned thing.
Episode 31 - (Sparky Greene and Louis Pieper/Age of Insects) - This interview was a bit awkward due to the subjects being silently evasive at first, but the tension provided more opportunities for thought balloons. I thought the editing trouble I had with it was going to be an anomaly...but it's turned out to be the norm.